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What is ENL?

ENL is an acronym standing for English as a New Language. ENL classes are NOT bilingual in nature. A certified ENL teacher does NOT need to speak any of the many native languages that his/her students may speak.

ENL instruction occurs in English using sheltered techniques, numerous hands-on activities, many pictures, body movements and gestures, and realia to teach English vocabulary. English vocabulary can be taught through thematic units which are content based.

Instruction can occur in the mainstream classroom, or in the ENL classroom on a pull-out basis.

Welcome to ENL!


Meet the Team

Ms. Fernanda Bravo

Ms. Colleen Guarneiri

The ENL program at Saddle Rock provides instruction in the four language skill areas- listening, speaking, reading and writing- for children acquiring English as their new language.  From new arrivals, just beginning to learn, to advanced English language learners expanding their reading, writing, and vocabulary skills, the ENL program celebrates Multiculturalism. Our ENL students hail from such countries as China, Israel, El Salvador, Korea, Italy, Iran, Mexico, India, Albania, Peru, and Colombia.